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Social Subjects

Principal Teacher | Ms Day

Faculty Overview 

  • Mr Dargie (RME)
  • Mr Kelly (History)
  • Ms Shannon (NQT Social Subjects)

School & Pupil Support Assistants - Ms Whitton

Curriculum Overview 

  • Economics at Nat 5
  • Geography at S3 BGE
  • History at S3 BGE, Nat 4/5, Higher, Advanced Higher.
  • Modern Studies at S1-S2 BGE.
  • RME at BGE S1-S3, Core S4
  • Travel and Tourism at Nat 5




Social Subjects is delivered by a rotation of the three main subjects through S1 and S2. Pupils will study two topics from each of the subjects for three periods per week. In S3 pupils are able to choose either History or Geography, with the option to take both if they choose History enhancement. RME is delivered throughout the year as a Core subject with one period per week






Invasion, Siege and Plague

Wars of Independence

World War Two

Slavery and the USA

The Holocaust

Women and the Vote

Causes of the First World War

History (Enhancement)

Mary Queen of Scots and the Reformation

The Russian Revolution


Maps and the Local Area

Weather and Climate

Earth Forces

(volcanoes and earthquakes)

Rich World, Poor World

Tourism: Spain

Climate zones:

Tundra and Rainforest

River Landscapes


Modern Studies

Rights and Responsibilities

Democracy and Participation



What is Religion?

Who am I?




Animal Ethics


Crime and Punishment

YPI (Charity Project)



History S4-S6


History is currently the most popular of the Social Subjects in the Senior School. Pupils will all be entered for National 5 at the beginning of S4 and depending on how well they perform will continue at that level to sit the examination. Pupils can also be entered for National 3 and National 4. In S5, they can continue with history at Higher level and if successful can choose to study in S6 at Advanced Higher level. A wide range of topics which are aimed at stimulating the interest of pupils as well as developing key skills such as literacy, research, analysis and evaluation are shown in the table below.

National 4-5


The Era of the Great War, 1910-1928


Changing Britain 1760-1914 or The Making of Modern Britain, 1880-1951

European and World:

Hitler and Nazi Germany, 1918-1939 or Free At Last: USA 1918-1968


Scottish:  The Era of the Great War, 1910-1928 or Wars of Independence

British: Britain 1850-1951

European and World: USA 1918-68

Advanced Higher

Northern Britain: From the Iron Age to 1034


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Geography S4-S6


Geography is the study of the world we live in, its environments, landscapes and natural disasters, and the relationships between people and environments.

Geography is considered to be a subject which provides pupils with a wide variety of skills  for life because it spans both the arts and the sciences.

Pupils will all be entered for National 5 at the beginning of S4 and depending on how well they perform will continue at that level to sit the examination. Pupils can also be entered for National 3 and National 4. In S5, they can continue with Geography at Higher level and if successful can choose to study in S6 at Advanced Higher level. A wide range of topics which are aimed at stimulating the interest of pupils as well as developing key skills such as literacy, numeracy,  research, analysis and evaluation are shown in the table below. Pupils will also learn how to gather and process data in the field.


National 4-5


Glaciation and coasts: landforms, land use and conflict


Factors affecting weather. High and low pressure systems. Synoptic charts and the impact of weather


Population: Distribution and demographic change

Rural: Hi-tech agriculture and intensive peasant farming in Asia

Urban:  Urban models. The development of cities in developed and developing countries

Global Issues

Environmental Hazards: Volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes

Global Climate Change: Causes, effects and management


Lithosphere: Glaciation and coasts:  landforms, land use and conflict

Atmosphere: global circulation patterns and the ITCZ

Hydrosphere: River landforms and flood hydrographs



Population: Collecting data. Demographic transition

Rural: environmental conflict and solutions in the tropical rainforests


Housing and transport issues in the developed and developing world

Global Climate Change:

Causes, impacts, solutions

Development and Health: Development indicators. Differences in development between and within countries.


Advanced Higher

Geographical Study:

Student’s own choice- either physical or human geography

Geographical methods and techniques. Data gathering and statistical analysis

Essay on a current global issue: student’s own choice of topic.


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Modern Studies S4-S6


Modern Studies is being introduced this year as a Higher/National 5 bi-level class.


The purpose of Modern Studies is to develop the learner’s knowledge and understanding of contemporary political and social issues in local, Scottish, United Kingdom and international contexts. In these contexts, learners will develop an awareness of the social and political issues they will meet in their lives.


National 5

Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom: Learners develop knowledge and understanding of the place of Scotland within the UK’s political system.  

Social Issues in the United Kingdom: Learners develop knowledge and understanding of the causes and consequences of social issues within the UK.  

International Issues: The study of the political system of a world power, its international relations and socio-economic issues.


Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom: Candidates develop knowledge and understanding of the UK’s political system, including the place of Scotland within this system

Social Issues in the United Kingdom: They develop knowledge and understanding of the causes and consequences of social inequality and attempts by government, other organisations and individuals to tackle it.  

International Issues: The study of a world power focuses on the political system of the world power, its international relations and socio-economic issues within the major world power

Useful links:





Philosophy S4-S6


Philosophy teaches not what to think, but how to think. You learn how to question, how to look ‘underneath’ the commonly accepted viewpoints and also how to come up with good reasons and evidence for your beliefs and opinions.

The courses develop reasoning skills by focusing on abstract concepts and philosophical problems. Learners develop basic knowledge and understanding of philosophy and encourages the ability to engage with abstract thought.

National 5

Arguments in Action

Examining and assessing the reliability of simple arguments.

Knowledge and Doubt

Examine theories regarding the nature of knowledge and how it is acquired.

Moral Philosophy

Examine theories regarding moral decision-making and how these theories might be applied to specific situations.


Arguments in Action

Developing knowledge and understanding of argument structure, philosophical techniques and errors in reasoning.

Knowledge and Doubt

Develops the ability to explain, analyse and evaluate two theories of knowledge.

Moral Philosophy

Developing the ability to explain, analyse and evaluate two moral theories.  

Useful Links:




Other subjects (available but not currently taught):


Travel and Tourism





Trust and Respect,
